Mystic Murder-Murder is an art, is a story written by Deepak Senthilkumar from April 2008 to December 2008
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

10. Adam and Eve are not our ancestors-2

Some people argue that God must have created more people than just Adam and Eve. That the Bible doesn't say God only created Adam and Eve'. This defence is a valid defence against the incest problem associated with Adam and Eve.

"Adam and Eve had two children that we know of, Cain and Abel. When they grew up, Cain (or was it the other one?) went off and found a wife. Just where exactly did this woman come from?"

-"Trouble in the Garden" by Adrian Barnett 1998

It appears God must have created more than just Adam and Eve.

What does this mean in practical terms for the original sin? When did God create these people? It must have been:

Before the fall or after the fall.

If God created the extra people before the fall then are we led to believe that all the people God created also chose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge? This doesn't seem to make sense, because when Adam and Eve ate of it he appeared to them and told them off. God has quite a presence and it would no doubt be enough to scare off anyone else from eating from the tree! Either God let them all eat, knowing none of them had the knowledge required for them to distrust the serpent or to understand that disobedience was wrong, in which case God is shown as an immensely poor parent. A parent knows that his/her children do not know not to touch a hot pan. So, parents warn their children not to. When their children go to touch the pan, the parent does more than just warn them. Because the parent knows that the child is not capable of understanding why not to touch the pan, the parent steps in and physically protects the child. God did not do this with Adam and Eve and anyone who was around: God did not protect His children from the danger. God is shown as a bad parent.

God must have created the extra people after the fall. But this seems to be wrong. Because that would mean that God was creating imperfect people who were not the children of Adam and Eve. People who are not the children of Adam and Eve would not suffer from death or diseases (which are the effects of original sin). So God created these extra people and created them with weakness to death and disease on purpose. If this is true, if God created these people like that, then original sin doesn't explain death and disease as these people were not subject to the original sin.

The explanation that God created more people than just Adam and Eve shows us that the Adam and Eve story is not a valid excuse for death "entering the world". God himself created death and the Adam and Eve story is merely apologetics on behalf of fearful God believers who wish to think of Humans as evil due to our own actions, and not due to Creation. This shows God in poor light.

So, I would like to conclude that when Bible was written there was no Darwin to explain the theory of evolution. And it is disappointing that even in this century many believe the story of Adam and Eve. According to me this story was written to show that sinners would be punished by God, and it is only my view. Do you agree with me that Adam and Eve are not our ancestors?

James finished reading the chapter and couldn’t stop thinking about the contents in this book. This chapter was only a sample from the book. If this chapter is able to raise so many questions then what about the whole book thought James and he slept off.

While sleeping, James had a strange dream. A black figure killed DD and ran away. Near his body there was a huge ellipse drawn with a tree inside that. The tree started to fly all off a sudden. James too flew along with the tree and landed in a forest. Inside the forest there was a man and woman who were not dressed. It must be Adam and Eve thought James. A snake slowly hissed past James and went near Eve and made strange hissing sounds. And Eve replied the snake with similar hissing sounds. ‘When did Eve learn Parseltongue? Was she a Parselmouth by birth? ‘, thought James. Then Eve went near a tree and plucked a fruit which resembled Apple. She offered the fruit to Adam and he accepted it gleefully. They saw James near them and Adam offered the fruit to James. He replied, “No thanks” .

Adams gave him a pat on his back and said “Wake Up, James”. James opened his eyes. It was not Adam with an apple, it was Rudran with the bed coffee in his hand.

James said, “Good morning”.

Rudran asked, “What were you dreaming?”

What a strange dream it was?

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